

Reading is the sole means by which we slip, involuntarily, often helplessly, into another's skin, another's voice, another's soul. --Joyce Carol Oates

Sunday, January 05, 2020

What you'll find here are lists--of books read, of stories read, of books intended to be read. I write about reading in more detail on my main blog, Pages Turned. Hope to see you there!

Decades Challenge

Lois the Witch. Elizabeth Gaskell (1861)

Barchester Towers. Anthony Trollope (1857)
Bartleby the Schrivener. Herman Melville (1853)
North and South. Elizabeth Gaskell (1854)
Youth. Leo Tolstoy (1857)
Boyhood. Leo Tolstoy (1854)
Childhood. Leo Tolstoy (1852)
The Blithedale Romance. Nathaniel Hawthorne (1852)
The Black Tulip. Alexandre Dumas (1850)

Thursday, January 01, 2015

60 by 60

I intend to read at the minimum sixty books from this list of authors over the course of the next five years: by the time I reach age 60. Some authors I'll be reading for the first time (noted with an *); others I'll be continuing to read in greater depth. List contains more than 60 authors to give myself some much needed flexibility along with the book by the author I'm most likely to read first. I'll add date read and any additional books read as time goes on. I also reserve the right to add all NYRB or Persephone Books completed over the next five years to this list; I was too lazy to list them all but would certainly like to make considerable headway in these collections.

A.L. Barker
A Heavy Feather
*Sybille Bedford
A Favorite of the Gods
*Jorge Luis Borges
The Aleph and Other Stories
T.C. Boyle
Tortilla Curtain
*Robert A. Caro
The Passage of Power
Willa Cather
Death Comes for the Archbishop
One of Ours (2019)
*Eleanor Catton
The Luminaries
Anton Chekhov
Collected Stories
Barbara Comyns
Birds in Tiny Cages (2015)
The Juniper Tree (2015)
Mr. Fox (2015)
The Skin Chairs (2015)
The Vet's Daughter (2015)
Who Was Changed and Who Was Dead  (2015)
Lettice Cooper
The New House (2018)

Richmal Crompton
Frost at Morning
Merlin Bay (2019)
Stefan Green (2015)
*Richard Dawkins
The Greatest Show on Earth
*Ralph Ellison
Invisible Man
George Eliot
Felix Holt: The Radical
Penelope Fitzgerald
The Golden Child (2015)
The Bookshop (2016)
Offshore (2016)
Human Voices (2016)
At Freddie's (2016)
Innocence. (2016)
The Beginning of Spring (2016)
The Gate of Angels (2016)
Gustave Flaubert
Bouvard and Pecuchet
*Julia Franck
The Blind Side of the Heart
William Gaddis
The Recognitions
Elizabeth Gaskell
Lois the Witch (2020)
North and South (2019)
*Amitar Ghosh
Sea of Poppies
George Gissing
Workers in the Dawn
*Ellen Glasgow
Barren Ground (2015)
The Sheltered Life (2017)
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship
*Ivan Goncharov
Caroline Gordon
The Strange Children (2015)
*Stephen Greenblatt
The Swerve
*Vasily Grossman
Life and Fate
Cicely Hamilton
William - An Englishman (2018)
Thomas Hardy
The Mayor of Casterbridge (2019)
L.P. Hartley
The Go-Between (2015)
Nathaniel Hawthorne
The Blithedale Romance (2019)
Philip Hensher
King of the Badgers
*Janet Hobhouse
The Furies
Walter Kempowski
All For Nothing (2018)
Halldor Laxness
The Atom Station (2019)
Independent People (2018)
Under the Glacier (2018)
Doris Lessing
The Golden Notebook
David Lodge
A Man of Parts
Thomas Mann
Death in Venice
*Peter Matthiessen
Snow Country
*David McCullough
John Adams (2015)
*Louis Menand
The Metaphysical Club
*Kathleen Morehouse
Rain on the Just
Toni Morrison
Song of Solomon
*Nicholas Mosley
Hopeful Monsters
*Harry Mulisch
Discovery of Heaven
Haruki Murakami
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle (2019)
Iris Murdoch
The Flight of the Enchanter (2015)
The Italian Girl (2016)
The Philosopher's Pupil (2019)
The Sacred and Profane Love Machine
Vladimir Nabokov
Pale Fire
Irene Nemirovsky
Suite Francaise
*Lawrence Norfolk
The Pope's Rhinoceros
The Metamorphoses
*Boris Pasternak
Doctor Zhivago
Eleanor Perenyi
More was Lost (2018)
*Benito Perez Galdoz
Fortunata and Jacinta
Anthony Powell
Casanova's Chinese Restaurant (2015)
The Kindly Ones (2015)
The Valley of Bones (2015)
The Soldier's Art (2015)
The Military Philosophers (2015)
Books Do Furnish a Room (2015)
Temporary Kings (2015)
Hearing Secret Harmonies (2015)
Richard Powers
Generosity (2019)
Gold Bug Variations
The Overstory (2018)
David Quammen
Monster of God
Philip Roth
I Married a Communist
The Plot Against America (2016)
Salman Rushdie
The Satanic Verses
Georges Simenon
The Train
Ali Smith
Autumn (2019)
How to be Both
Spring (2019)
The Whole Story and Other Stories (2019)
Winter (2019)
Jean Stafford
The Catherine Wheel
Christina Stead
Letty Fox: Her Luck
The Charterhouse of Parma
Noel Streatfeild
Saplings (2018)
William Styron
The Confessions of Nat Turner (2015)
Elizabeth Taylor
Blaming (2018)
Mrs. Palfrey at the Claremont (2018)
Palladian (2019)
The View of the Harbour
The Wedding Group (2019)
*Harry Thompson
This Thing of Darkness
Anthony Trollope
Barchester Towers (2019)
Phineas Finn (2018)
David Foster Wallace
A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again
Rebecca West
Black Lamb and Grey Falcon
Richard Yates
Disturbing the Peace (2016)
The Easter Parade
Howard Zinn
A People's History of the United States

Friday, April 27, 2012

Some Dark Holler Project

(cue the appropriate background music here)

I picked up the new Ron Rash, The Cove, from the public library this morning. Last week I ordered Wiley Cash's debut,  A Land More Kind Than Home, which I hope will arrive by the weekend. Earlier this year I bought three Wilkes County-centric books. I am officially kicking off a new reading project, although I am hard-pressed to find the appropriate heading for the thing.

Library of Congress prefers Mountain People and Appalachian Region - Southern  to Hillbilly (music can get away with the hillbilly designation, evidently; not literature). Western North Carolina is also an appropriate subject heading, although not one that's been used on any fiction in the university's library catalog, and one that would exclude books set beyond the state line. The public library here uses Mountain Life - North Carolina - Fiction for Sharyn McCrumb's The Ballad of Tom Dooley, but it's a dead end: clicking on that subject heading won't lead a reader to any additional titles. North Carolina - Fiction takes you to 373 titles at the public library; to 103 at the university, but it isn't a designation that's been used more than haphazardly: Cold Mountain's only in the catalog as United States - History - Civil War, 1861-1865 - Fiction and John Ehle's fiction, shelved in the North Carolina Room at the public library, receives no subject headings at all.

Suggestions? Will it make sense if I just call this my Some Dark Holler Project?

Initial proposed reading list:

Surreal South: An Anthology of Short Fiction and Poetry. Laura Benedict and Pinckney Benedict, eds.
The Astronomer and Other Stories. Doris Betts (okay, so this is kind of a cheat. Only the northwest corner of  Iredell County's the least bit mountainous. Sue me; it's my list) (June 2012)
The Wettest County in the World. Matt Bondurant (Virginia)
A Land More Kind Than Home. Wiley Cash (April 2012)
Ancestors and Others. Fred Chappell
The Landbreakers. John Ehle
Thirteen Moons. Charles Frazier
The Ballad of Tom Dooley. Sharyn McCrumb (Wilkes County)
Rain on the Just. Kathleen Morehouse (Wilkes County)
We Are Taking Only What We Need. Stephanie Powell Watts (Wilkes-by God-County) (May 2014)
The Cove.Ron Rash (April 2012)
Serena. Ron Rash
The Ballad of Trenchmouth Taggart. M. Glenn Taylor (West Virginia) (April 2012)

(Originally posted at pages turned)

Also read for project:
Flora. Gail Godwin (April 2013)
Young God. Katherine  Faw Morris (May 2014)
Winter's Bone. Daniel Woodrell (May 2014)

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Comprehensive Reading List A-G


Edward Abbey
Desert Solitaire
Lauren Acampora

The Paper Wasp

Peter Ackroyd
The Lambs of London (audiobook)
Milton in America
Alice Adams
A Southern Exposure
Douglas Adams
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Life, the Universe and Everything
The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
So Long, And Thanks for All the Fish
Mostly Harmless
Poppy Adams
The Behaviour of Moths
Richard Adams
Watership Down
Kathleen Adelaide
Between the Pages: Reflections on Reading
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Half of a Yellow Sun
Purple Hibiscus
We Should All Be Feminists
Chris Adrian
The New World
James Agee
A Death in the Family
Jonis Agee
The River Wife
Strange Angels
Alaa Al Aswany
The Yacoubian Building
Rabih Aameddine
An Unnecessary Woman
Omar El Akkad
American War
Rumaan Alam
Leave the World Behind

Mitch Albom
Tuesdays With Morrie
Louisa May Alcott
Little Men
Little Women (twice)
Naomi Alderman
The Liars Gospel
The Power
Luis Alberto Urrea
The Water Museum
Kitty Aldridge
A Trick I Learned from Dead Men
Svetlana Alexievich
Voices from Chernobyl: The Oral History of a Nuclear Disaster
Woody Allen
Side Effects
Without Feathers
Isabel Allende
The House of the Spirits
Island Beneath the Sea
Dorothy Allison
Bastard Out of Carolina
David Almond
Lisa Alther
Kin Flicks
Joseph A. Amato
Dust: A History of the Small and the Invisible
David Ambrose
The Man Who Turned Into Himself
Martin Amis
The Information
Steven Amsterdam
Things We Didn't See Coming
Benjamin Anastas
An Underachiever's Diary
Kurt Andersen
Sherwood Anderson
Winesburg, Ohio
Charlie Jane Anders
All the Birds in the Sky
Maya Angelou
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
The Homeric Hymns, Diane Rayor, trans.
Go Ask Alice
Karen Armstrong
A Short History of Myth
Janis Arnold

Daughters of Memory
Harriett Arnow
The Dollmaker
Louise Aronson
Elderhood: Redefining Aging, Transforming Medicine, Reimagining Life
Ruth Arthur
A Candle in Her Room (twice)
Isaac Asimov
I, Robot
Diana Athill
Stet: An Editor's Life
Kate Atkinson
Behind the Scenes at the Museum
Big Sky
Case Histories
Emotionally Weird
A God in Ruins
Human Croquet (twice)
Life After Life (twice)
Not the End of the World
One Good Turn
Started Early, Took My Dog
When Will There Be Good News?
Margaret Atwood
Alias Grace
The Blind Assassin
Cat's Eye (three times)
Dancing Girls and Other Stories
The Edible Woman
The Handmaid's Tale (twice)
In Other Worlds: SF and the Human Imagination
Life Before Man (twice)
Morning in the Burned House
Negotiating with the Dead: A Writer on Writing
Oryx and Crake (twice)
The Penelopiad
The Robber Bride
Stone Mattress
Wilderness Tips
The Year of the Flood
Jane Austen
Emma (twice)
Lady Susan
Mansfield Park
Northanger Abbey (twice)
Persuasion (twice)
Pride and Prejudice (three times)
Sense and Sensibility (twice)
Paul Auster
The Book of Illusions
Oracle Night
Magjull Axelson
The April Witch
Trezza Azzopardi
The Hiding Place
Mariama Ba
So Long a Letter
Richard Bach
Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Ellyn Bache
Safe Passage
Paolo Bacigalupi
The Windup Girl
Charlotte Bacon
Split Estate
Yaba Badoe
True Murder
Elisabeth Tova Bailey
The Sound of a Wild Snail Eating
Beryl Bainbridge
The Bottle Factory Outing
Elizabeth Baines
Too Many Magpies
Alison Baker
How I Came West, and Why I Stayed
Loving Wanda Beaver
Dorothy Baker
Cassandra at the Wedding
Nicholson Baker
A Box of Matches
The Everlasting Story of Nory
The Mezzanine
U and I
William Baldwin
The Fennel Family Papers
J.G. Ballard
Miracles of Life
Honore de Balzac
Eugenie Grandet
Melissa Bank
The Girls' Guide to Hunting and Fishing
Iain Banks
The Quarry
Russell Banks
The Sweet Hereafter
Lauren Baratz-Logsted
Z (A Novel)
Muriel Barbery
The Elegance of the Hedgehog
Alessandro Baricco
Anne Llewellyn Barstow
Frederick Barthelme
Second Marriage
Andrea Barrett
Ship Fever
The Voyage of the Narwhal
A.L. Barker
The Gooseboy
The Haunt
Submerged: Selected Stories
Pat Barker
Another World
Toby's Room
Julian Barnes
The Only Story
The Sense of an Ending (twice)
Wilton Barnhardt
Lookaway, Lookaway
John M. Barry
The Great Influenza

Sebastian Barry
The Secret Scripture
Chiara Barzini
Things That Happened Before the Earthquake
Rick Bass
The Diezmo
In the Loyal Mountains
The Lost Grizzlies
Nashville Chrome
The Ninemile Wolves
Oil Notes
The Sky, the Stars, the Wilderness
The Watch
Elif Batuman
The Idiot
The Possessed: Adventures with Russian Books and the People Who Read Them
Susan Baumgartner
My Walden: Tales from Dead Cow Gulch
Charles Baxter
The Art of Subtext
The Feast of Love
First Light
Harmony of the World
A Relative Stranger
Shadow Play
Romare Bearden
Lil Dan, the Drummer Boy: A Civil War Story
Clare Beams
The Illness Lesson

Ann Beattie
Love Always
Picturing Will
Paul Beatty
The Sellout
Alison Bechdel
Fun Home
Bernard Beckett
Samuel Beckett
Waiting For Godot
Frank Beddor
The Looking Glass Wars
Christopher R. Beha
What Happened to Sophie Wilder

Rosalind Belben
Our Horses in Egypt
Madison Smartt Bell
Soldier's Joy
Ten Indians
Saul Bellow
The Adventures of Augie March
The Dean's December
Humboldt's Gift
Stephen Benatar
Wish Her Safe at Home
Aimee Bender
An Invisible Sign of My Own
Karen E. Bender
A Town of Empty Rooms
Sue Bender
Plain and Simple
Pinckney Benedict
Miracle Boy and Other Stories
Marina Benjamin
Alan Bennett
The Clothes They Stood Up In
Arnold Bennett
The Old Wives' Tale
Brit Bennett
The Mothers
John Berendt
Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil
Elizabeth Berg
Durable Goods
The Pull of the Moon
Range of Motion
Talk Before Sleep
Thomas Berger
Little Big Man
Suzanne Berne
A Crime in the Neighborhood
Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward
All the President's Men
Doris Betts
The Astronomer and Other Stories
Beasts of the Southern Wild and Other Stories
Heading West (twice)
The River to Pickle Beach
The Sharp Teeth of Love
Souls Raised From the Dead
George Bilgere
 Blood Pages

Tory Bilski
Wild Horses of the Summer Sun
Mahi Binebine
Horses of God
Welcome to Paradise
Adolfo Bioy Casares
The Invention of Morel
Eula Biss
Having and Being Had

Mark Bittner
The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill
Sven Birkerts
The Gutenberg Elegies
Caroline Blackwood
Great Granny Webster
James Carlos Blake
Wildwood Boys
Harry Blamires
The Bloomsday Book: A Guide Through Joyce's Ulysses
Jerry Bledsoe
Bitter Blood: A True Story of Southern Family Pride, Madness and Multiple Murder
Lawrence Block
a couple Bernie Rodenbarr mysteries
Amy Bloom
Come to Me
White Houses
Harold Bloom
The American Religion
The Book of J
Judy Blume
Are You There, God? It's Me, Margaret (twice)
Forever (multiple times)
Belle Boggs
The Gulf

Chris Bohjalian
Brooke Bolander
The Only Harmless Great Thing
Katherine Boo
Behind the Beautiful Forevers
Robert Boswell
American Owned Love
Century's Son
Crooked Hearts (three times)
Dancing in the Movies
Living to be 100
Mystery Ride
The Soul in Paraphrase
Shelia Bosworth
Slow Poison
Elizabeth Bowen
The Death of the Heart
To the North
Paul Bowles
The Sheltering Sky
William Boyd
Any Human Heart
Brazzaville Beach
The New Confessions
T. C. Boyle
Talk Talk
When the Killing's Done
Ray Bradbury
Death is a Lonely Business
Fahrenheit 451 (twice)
The Martian Chronicles
Something Wicked This Way Comes
Alan Bradley
The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie
James Bradley
Ghost Species

Marion Zimmer Bradley
Star of Danger
Oyinkan Braithwaite
My Sister, the Serial Killer
Gayle Brandeis
The Art of Misdiagnosis: Surviving My Mother's Suicide
The Book of Dead Birds
Richard Brautigan
The Abortion
In Watermelon Sugar
Loading Mercury with a Pitchfork
The Pill Versus the Springhill Mine Disaster
Rommel Drives on Deep into Egypt
Bertolt Brecht
Life of Galileo

Wendy Brenner
Large Animals in Everyday Life
David Brin
Kevin Brockmeier
The Brief History of the Dead
Anne Bronte
Agnes Grey
The Tenant of Wildfell Hall
Charlotte Bronte
Jane Eyre
Emily Bronte
Wuthering Heights
Anita Brookner
The Rules of Engagement
A Start in Life
Geraldine Brooks
People of the Book
Year of Wonders
Dan Brown
The Da Vinci Code
Don Brown
Aaron and Alexander: The Most Famous Duel in American History
Eleanor Brown
Weird Sisters

Larry Brown
A Miracle of Catfish
Mary Ward Brown
Tongues of Flame
Rita Mae Brown
Rosellen Brown
Before and After
The Lake on Fire
Tender Mercies
Dominic Brownlow
The Naseby Horses

Stephen Brusatte
The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs

Steven Brust
My Own Kind of Freedom (Firefly novel)
Bill Bryson
Notes from a Small Island
A Short History of Nearly Everything
Stephen Budiansky
The Bloody Shirt: Terror After the Civil War
NoViolet Bulawayo
We Need New Names
Mikhail Bulgakov
The Master and Margarita
Norma Jane Bumgarner
Mothering Your Nursing Toddler
Anna Burns
James MacGregor Burns and Susan Dunn
The Three Roosevelts
Olive Ann Burns
Cold Sassy Tree (twice)
Beverly Butler
Light a Single Candle
Robert Olen Butler
A Good Scent from a Strange Mountain
Mr. Spaceman
A. S. Byatt
Angels and Insects
Babel Tower
The Biographer's Tale
The Children's Book
The Djinn in the Nightingale's Eye
The Game
Little Black Book of Stories
Still Life
Sugar and Other Stories
The Virgin in the Garden
A Whistling Woman
Mary Ann Cahill
The Heart Has Its Own Reasons
Roberto Calasso
The Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony
Tess Callahan
April and Oliver
Italo Calvino
The Baron in the Trees
Peter Cameron
The City of Your Final Destination
Cora Glynn
Someday This Pain Will Be Useful to You
Joseph Campbell
The Hero With a Thousand Faces
Myths to Live By
The Power of Myth The Way of Myth
Albert Camus
The Fall
The Myth of Sisyphus and Other Essays
The Plague
The Stranger (three times)
Dorothy Canfield
The Home-maker
Joanna Cannan
Princes in the Land
Truman Capote
Breakfast at Tiffany's: A Short Novel and Three Stories
A Christmas Memory, One Christmas, and The Thanksgiving Visitor
The Grass Harp
In Cold Blood
Other Voices, Other Rooms
Orson Scott Card
Ender's Game
Edward Carey
Observatory Mansions
Peter Carey
Oscar and Lucinda
True History of the Kelly Gang
Ron Carlson
At the Jim Bridger
Jonathan Carroll
The Wooden Sea
Lewis Carroll
Alice in Wonderland (multiple times)
Through the Looking-Glass (multiple times)
Jana Casale
The Girl Who Never Read Noam Chomsky
Rosanne Cash
Wiley Cash
A Land More Kind Than Home
The Last Ballad
Willa Cather
My Antonia
My Mortal Enemy (twice)
One of Ours
O Pioneers!
The Professor's House
The Song of the Lark
Miguel De Cervantes
Don Quixote
Michael Chabon
The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay
The Final Solution
A Model World and Other Stories
Mysteries of Pittsburgh
Werewolves in Their Youth
Wonder Boys
The Yiddish Policemen's Union
Becky Chambers
The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet
Bryn Chancellor
Vikram Chandra
Red Earth and Pouring Rain
Dan Chaon
Among the Missing
Await Your Reply
Ill Will
Fred Chappell
Brighten the Corner Where You Are
Farewell, I'm Bound to Leave You
The Gaudy Place
I Am One of You Forever
Look Back All the Green Valley
Joan Chase
During the Reign of the Queen of Persia
Roz Chast
Can't We Talk About Something More Pleasant?
Ron Chernow
Alexander Hamilton
K Chess
Famous Men Who Never Lived
Anton Chekhov
At Christmas Time
The Cherry Orchard
Tracy Chevalier
Girl With a Pearl Earring
Max Childers
The Congregation of the Dead
Kate Chopin
The Awakening
Kate Christensen
The Epicure's Lament
In the Drink
Jeremy Thrane
John Christopher
When the Tripods Came
The White Mountains
Carolyn Chute
The Beans of Egypt, Maine
Nino Cipri
The Shape of My Name

Kerry Clare
Mitzi Bytes
Nancy Clark
The Hills at Home
Walter Van Tilburg Clark
The Ox-Bow Incident
Susanna Clarke
Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell
The Ladies of Grace Adieu and Other Stories
Pearl Cleage
What Looks Like Crazy on an Ordinary Day. . .
Ta-Nehisi Coates
Between the World and Me
Ann Cleeves
 The Long Call

J. M. Coetzee
The Lives of Animals
Waiting for the Barbarians
Emily Colas
Just Checking: Scenes From the Life of an Obsessive-Compulsive
Robert Coles
The Moral Intelligence of Children
James Lincoln Collier and Christopher Collier
My Brother Sam is Dead
Billy Collins
Picnic, Lightning
Paul Collins
Duel with the Devil: the True Story of How Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr Teamed Up to Take on America's First Sensational Murder Mystery
Suzanne Collins
The Hunger Games
Wilkie Collins
The Dead Secret
Laurie Colwin
Family Happiness
Happy All the Time
Ralph Compton
The Shadow of a Noose
Ivy Compton-Burnett
Manservant and Maidservant
Barbara Comyns
Birds in Tiny Cages
The Juniper Tree
Mr. Fox
Our Spoons Came From Woolworths
The Skin Chairs
A Touch of Mistletoe
The Vet's Daughter
Who was Changed and Who was Dead (twice)
Evan S. Connell
Mrs. Bridge
John Connolly
The Book of Lost Things
Joseph Conrad
Heart of Darkness
Lord Jim
The Shadow-Line
Pat Conroy
The Great Santini
The Prince of Tides
Jill Ker Conway
The Road From Coorain
Karin Cook
What Girls Learn
Martha Cooley
The Archivist
Caroline B. Cooney
What Child is This?
Lettice Cooper
The New House
Robert Cormier
The Chocolate War
Patricia D. Cornwell
All That Remains
Howard E. Covington, Jr.
The Lady on the Hill: How Biltmore Estate Became an American Icon
Jim Crace
Being Dead
The Gift of Stones
Stephen Crane
Red Badge of Courage
The Poems of Stephen Crane
Harry Crews
Scar Lover
Michael Crichton
Jurassic Park
The Lost World
Robert W. Croft
Anne Tyler: A Bio-Bibliography
Richmal Crompton
Blind Man's Buff
Family Roundabout
Merlin Bay
Mrs. Frensham Describes a Circle
The Ridleys
Steffan Green
Justin Cronin
Mary and O'Neil
The Passage
Lorna Crozier
Small Beneath the Sky
Blake Crouch
Summer Frost

John Crowley
Little, Big
Andrew Crumey
Sputnik Caledonia
Michael Crummey
Dave Cullen
Emily Culliton
The Misfortune of Marion Palm
Michael Cunningham
A Home at the End of the World
The Hours (twice)
Specimen Days
Ron Currie, Jr.
Everything Matters!
Rachel Cusk
Linda Katherine Cutting
Memory Slips
Amy Dacyczyn
Tightwad Gazette
Tightwad Gazette II
Tightwad Gazette III
Carla Damron
Keeping Silent
Spider Blue
Jeanne Darst
Fiction Ruined My Family
Robertson Davies
Fifth Business
Leaven of Malice
A Mixture of Frailties
Stevie Davies
Four Dreamers and Emily
Kathryn Davis
The Walking Tour
L.J. Davis
A Meaningful Life
Lydia Davis
Richard Dawkins
The God Delusion
Clarence Day
Life With Father
Kate Hope Day
If, Then
Pamela Dean
Juniper, Gentian and Rosemary (twice)
Tam Lin
Alain de Botton
How Proust Can Change Your Life
Walter de la Mare
The Return
Nicholas Delbanco
The Lost Suitcase: Reflections on the Literary Life
Don DeLillo
White Noise
Rebecca McClanahan Devet
Mrs. Houdini
Robb Forman Dew
Fortunate Lives
Peter De Vries
Slouching Towards Kalamazoo
Helen DeWitt
The Last Samurai
Patrick deWitt
The Sisters Brothers
Pete Dexter
Deadwood (twice)
Paris Trout
Anita Diamant
The Red Tent
Charles Dickens
Bleak House
A Christmas Carol
David Copperfield
Great Expectations
Hard Times
A Tale of Two Cities
Monica Dickens
The House at World's End
The Winds of Heaven
Nicolas Dickner
Joan Didion
Play It As It Lays (multiple times)
Slouching Toward Bethlehem
The Year of Magical Thinking
Annie Dillard
An American Childhood
The Maytrees
The Writing Life
Barbara Dimmick
In the Presence of Horses
Isak Dinesen
Out of Africa
Michael Dirda
Book by Book: Notes on Reading and Life
Anton Disclafani
Yohahlossee Riding Camp for Girls
Jenny Diski
In Gratitude
E.L. Doctorow
The Book of Daniel
Homer and Langley
The March
Ragtime (twice)
The Waterworks
Welcome to Hard Times
Gerard Donovan
Julius Winsome
Fyodor Dostoevsky
The Brothers Karamazov (three times)
Crime and Punishment
Notes From Underground
Mark Doty
Firebird: A Memoir
Still Life With Oysters and Lemon
Michael Downing
Breakfast With Scot
Arthur Conan Doyle
The Hound of the Baskervilles
Margaret Drabble
The Dark Flood Rises
The Garrick Year (three times)
The Gates of Ivory
The Ice Age
Jerusalem the Golden
The Middle Ground (twice)
The Millstone (twice)
A Natural Curiosity
The Needle's Eye
The Peppered Moth
The Pure Gold Baby
The Radiant Way
The Realms of Gold (multiple times)
The Sea Lady
The Seven Sisters
A Summer Bird-Cage (twice)
The Waterfall
The Witch of Exmoor
Tom Drury
The End of Vandalism
Hunts in Dreams
Ingrid and Edgar Parin D'Aulaire
Book of Norse Myths
Andre Dubus III
House of Sand and Fog
John Dufresne
Louisiana Power and Light
Love Warps the Mind a Little
Requiem, Mass.
Daphne du Maurier
Don't Look Now
The House on the Strand
Jamaica Inn
The Parasites
Alexandre Dumas
The Black Tulip
The Count of Monte Cristo
Sarah Dunant
The Birth of Venus
David James Duncan
The Brothers K
Glen Duncan
The Last Werewolf
Marguerite Duras
Summer Rain
Pam Durban
The Tree of Forgetfulness
David Anthony Durham
Gabriel's Story
Marilyn Durham
The Man Who Loved Cat Dancing
Gerald Durrell
My Family and Other Animals
Danielle Dutton
Margaret the First
Jennifer Egan
The Invisible Circus
The Keep
A Visit from the Goon Squad
Tony Earley
Here We Are in Paradise
Jim the Boy
Somehow Form a Family: Stories That Are Mostly True
Umberto Eco
The Name of the Rose
Clyde Edgerton
The Bible Salesman
The Floatplane Notebooks
In Memory of Junior
Killer Diller
Raney (three times)
Walking Across Egypt
Margaret Edson
Gerald Basil Edwards
The Book of Ebenezer Le Page
Dave Eggers
The Circle

What is the What
John Ehle
The Widow's Trial
The Winter People
Gretel Ehrlich
The Solace of Open Spaces
Max Ehrlich

The Reincarnation of Peter Proud
Bart D. Ehrman
How Jesus Became God: The Exaltation of a Jewish Preacher from Galilee
Jesus, Interrupted: Revealing the Hidden Contradictions of the Bible (And Why We Don't Know About Them)
Kurt Eichenwald
A Mind Unraveled
Kimi Eisele
The Lightest Object in the Universe
Deborah Eisenberg
Twilight of the Superheroes
Your Duck is My Duck0
Omar El Akkad
American War
George Eliot
Daniel Deronda
Felix Holt
Middlemarch (twice)
The Mill on the Floss
Silas Marner
Stanley Elkin
The Living End
Alice Thomas Ellis
The Birds of the Air
Fairy Tale
Home Life
More Home Life
Pillars of Gold
Joseph J. Ellis
American Sphinx
Founding Brothers
The Quartet: Orchestrating the Second American Revolution, 1783-1789
Lucy Ellman
 Ducks, Newburyport

Gloria Emerson
Loving Graham Greene
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Cai Emmons
The Stylist
Leif Enger
Peace Like a River
Lin Enger
Undiscovered Country
Anne Enright
The Forgotten Waltz
The Gathering
The Green Road
The Wig My Father Wore
Nora Ephron
Louise Erdrich
The Blue Jay's Dance
Love Medicine
Jenny Erpenbeck
The End of Days
Gabe Essoe
Alias Smith and Jones: Alias Heyes and Curry
Laura Esquivel
Like Water For Chocolate
Jeffrey Eugenides
The Marriage Plot
The Virgin Suicides
Janet Evanovich
One For the Money
Arthur B. Evans et al.
The Wesleyan Anthology of Science Fiction
Elizabeth Evans
Doris Betts
Nicholas Evans
The Horse Whisperer
Percival Everett
Jonathan Evison
The Revised Fundamentals of Caregiving
Gavin Extence
The Universe versus Alex Woods
Michel Faber
The Book of Strange New Things
The Fire Gospel
Under the Skin
Anne Fadiman
At Large and At Small
Ex Libris: Confessions of a Common Reader
John Fante
1933 Was a Bad Year
West of Rome
Peter Farb
Word Play: What Happens When People Talk
J.G. Farrell
The Siege of Krishnapur
M.J. Farrell (Molly Keane)
Mad Puppetstown
Tim Farrington
The Monk Downstairs
William Faulkner
Absalom, Absalom!
As I Lay Dying (twice)
Light in August
The Sound and the Fury (twice)
Spotted Horses
The Unvanquished
Eileen Favorite
The Heroines
Edna Ferber
Fanny Fern
Ruth Hall
Rachel Ferguson
The Brontes Went to Woolworths
John Ferling
Setting the World Ablaze: Washington, Adams, Jefferson, and the American Revolution
Elena Ferrante
My Brilliant Friend
Joshua Ferris
To Rise Again At a Decent Hour
Katie Fforde
The Rose Revived
B.K. Fischer
F. Scott Fitzgerald
The Great Gatsby (twice)
Tender is the Night
Penelope Fitzgerald
At Freddie's (twice)
The Bookshop (twice)
The Golden Child
Human Voices
The Beginning of Spring
The Gate of Angels
Zelda Fitzgerald
Save Me the Waltz
Louise Fitzhugh
Harriet the Spy (multiple times)
The Long Secret (multiple times)
Fannie Flagg
Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe
Helga Flatland
A Modern Family
Gustave Flaubert
Madame Bovary (twice)
Kitty Burns Florey
Sister Bernadette's Barking Dog
Angela Flournoy
The Turner House
Gillian Flynn
Dark Places
Gone Girl
Sharp Objects
Ford Madox Ford
The Good Soldier
Richard Ford
Independence Day
The Sportswriter
Aminatta Forna
E. M. Forster
Arctic Summer
Howards End (three times)
The Longest Journey (twice)
A Passage to India
A Room With a View
Where Angels Fear to Tread
Margaret Forster
The Unknown Bridesmaid
Richard Fortey
Dry Storeroom No. 1
Thomas C. Foster
How to Read Literature Like a Professor
How to Read Novels Like a Professor
Karen Joy Fowler
Artificial Things
The Jane Austen Book Club
Sarah Canary
We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves (twice)
What I Didn't See and Other Stories
John Fowles
The French Lieutenant's Woman (three times)
The Magus
Brian Fox (pen name of Willis Todhunter Ballard)
Dead Ringer
The Outlaw Trail
Laurie Fox
My Sister From the Black Lagoon
Anne Frank
The Diary of a Young Girl
Thomas Frank
What’s the Matter with Kansas? How the Conservatives Won the Heart of America
Benjamin Franklin
The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
Miriam Spitzer Franklin
Ruth Franklin
Shirley Jackson: A Rather Haunted Life
Jonathan Franzen
The Corrections
How to Be Alone
Michael Frayn
Charles Frazier
Cold Mountain
Lynn Freed
Home Ground
Reading, Writing, and Leaving Home: Life on the Page
The Servants' Quarters
Tana French
Broken Harbor
Faithful Place
In the Woods (twice)
The Likeness
The Secret Place
The Trespasser
Lenemaja Friedman
Shirley Jackson
Abby Frucht
Polly's Ghost
Alexandra Fuller
Don't Let's Go to the Dogs Tonight: An African Childhood
Scribbling the Cat: Travels With an African Soldier
John Fuller
Monica Furlong
Wise Child
Jostein Gaarder
The Solitaire Mystery
Sophie's World
Amity Gaige
The Folded World
Sarah Gailey
American Hippo
Neil Gaiman
American Gods
Mary Gaitskill
Bad Behavior
Rivka Galchen
American Innovations
Little Labors
Dorothy Gallagher
How I Came Into My Inheritance and Other True Stories
Tess Gallagher
At the Owl Woman Saloon
The Lover of Horses
Mavis Gallant
Overhead in a Balloon
Paul Gallico
The Snow Goose
Forrest Gander
As a Friend
Ramin Ganeshram
A Birthday Cake for George Washington
Cristina Garcia
Dreaming in Cuban
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Chronicle of a Death Foretold (twice)
Love in the Time of Cholera
Of Love and Other Demons
One Hundred Years of Solitude
Jane Gardam
Crusoe's Daughter
Last Friends
The Man in the Wooden Hat
Old Filth
The Queen of the Tambourine
John Gardner
The Art of Fiction: Notes on Craft for Young Writers
On Becoming a Novelist
Alan Garner
The Owl Service
Helen Garner
The Children's Bach
The Spare Room
Elizabeth Gaskell
Lois the Witch
Mary Barton
North and South
Wives and Daughters
Edwin S. Gaustad
Roger Williams: Prophet of Liberty
Tim Gautreaux
Same Place, Same Things
Atul Gawande
Being Mortal
Roxane Gay
An Untamed State
Lisa Genova
Still Alice
Jenny George
The Dream of Reason
Margaret George
The Autobiography of Henry VIII: With Notes by His Fool, Will Somers
Esther Gerritsen
Sudesna Ghosh
Crazy Cat Lady Finds Love
Kaye Gibbons
Charms For the Easy Life
A Cure for Dreams
Divining Women
Ellen Foster (twice)
The Life All Around Me by Ellen Foster
On the Occasion of My Last Afternoon
Sights Unseen
A Virtuous Woman
Stella Gibbons
Cold Comfort Farm
Wesley Gibson
William Gibson
The Peripheral

Steven Gilbar, ed.
The Reader's Quotation Book
David Gilbert
 And Sons

Elizabeth Gilbert
Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear
The Signature of All Things
Ellen Gilchrist
A Dangerous Age
In the Land of Dreamy Dreams
Tom Gilling
The Sooterkin
Susan Jane Gilman
Undress Me in the Temple of Heaven
Marianne Gingher
Bobby Rex's Greatest Hit
Teen Angel
Kathie Giorgio
If You Tame Me
George Gissing
Born in Exile
The Emancipated
Eve's Ransom
In the Year of Jubilee
A Life's Morning
New Grub Street
The Odd Women
Our Friend the Charlatan
Sleeping Fires
Ellen Glasgow
Barren Ground
The Sheltered Life
Susan Glaspell
Alison's House
Julia Glass
I See You Everywhere
Victoria Glendinning
Rebecca West: A Life
Michael J. Glennon
National Security and Double Government
Molly Gloss
The Dazzle of Day
Wild Life
Louise Gluck
The Wild Iris
Dominique Goblet
Pretending is Lying
Gail Godwin
Father Melancholy's Daughter
The Finishing School
Glass People
The Good Husband
Grief Cottage
The Odd Woman
Old Lovegood Girls
Queen of the Underworld
William Godwin
Caleb Williams
Ann Goethe
Midnight Lemonade
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Faust, Part I
Nikolai Gogal
Dead Souls
Glen David Gold
Carter Beats the Devil
Myla Goldberg
Bee Season
Amanda Goldblatt
Hard Mouth
William Golding
The Lord of the Flies (twice)
William Goldman
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (multiple times)
Lawrence and Nancy Goldstone
Slightly Chipped: Footnotes in Book Lore
Used and Rare: Travels in the Book World
Judy Goldman
The Slow Way Back
Allegra Goodman
The Cookbook Collector
Kaaterskill Falls
Brad Gooch
Flannery: A Life of Flannery O'Connor
Caroline Gordon
The Women on the Porch
The Strange Children
Mary Gordon
Joan of Arc
Al Gore
The Assault on Reason
Vivian Gornick
Fierce Attachments
Barbara Gowdy
The White Bone
Kenneth Grahame
The Wind in the Willows
Sara Gran
Saturn's Return to New York
Linda Grant
I Murdered My Library
A Stranger City
We Had It So Good
When I Lived In Modern Times
Elizabeth Graver
The Honey Thief
Robert Graves
Good-bye to All of That
I, Claudius
Lucy Grealy
Autobiography of a Face
Karen Green
Bough Down
Melissa Green
Color is the Suffering of Light
Paul Green
Pete Duel: A Biography
Joanne Greenberg
I Never Promised You a Rose Garden
John Green
The Fault in Our Stars
Michael Greenberg
Hurry Down Sunshine
Graham Greene
The End of the Affair
The Heart of the Matter (twice)

The Quiet American
Kaitlyn Greenidge
We Love You, Charlie Freeman
Andrew Sean Greer
The Confessions of Max Tivoli
John Howard Griffin
Black Like Me
Jim Grimsley
How I Shed My Skin: Unlearning the Racist Lessons of a Southern Childhood
John Grisham
The Firm
Lauren Grodstein
A Friend of the Family
Lauren Groff
Fates and Furies
Tom Groneberg
The Secret Life of Cowboys
One Good Horse
Gwendolen Gross
Field Guide
David Grossman
To the End of the Land
Lev Grossman
The Magicians
Kristi Groteke
Mia and Woody: Love and Betrayal
Doris Grumbach
Fifty Days of Solitude
Life in a Day
Lisa Grunwald
New Year's Eve
Judith Guest
Ordinary People (twice)
Second Heaven
John Gunther
Death Be Not Proud
Allan Gurganus
Oldest Living Confederate Widow Tells All
Plays Well With Others
Beth Gutcheon
Good-bye and Amen
Leeway Cottage
David Guterson

Snow Falling on Cedars
Yaa Gyasi
Transcendent Kingdom

Comprehensive Reading List H-O

Alison Habens
Mark Haddon
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time
A Spot of Bother
Tessa Hadley
Accidents in the Home
Clever Girl
Everything Will Be All Right
The Master Bedroom
The Past
Alyson Hagy
Kendall Hailey
The Day I Became an Autodidact
Brian Hall
I Should Be Extremely Happy in Your Company
The Saskiad
Oakley Hall
Rachel Howzell Hall
A Quiet Storm
J.C. Hallman
In Utopia
David Halperin
Journal of a UFO Investigator
Mohsin Hamid
Exit West
Cicely Hamilton
William - An Englishman
Jane Hamilton
The Book of Ruth
Laura Rider's Masterpiece
A Map of the World
Patrick Hamilton
The Slaves of Solitude
Dashiell Hammet
The Maltese Falcon
Earl Hamner
Spencer's Mountain
Cathi Hanauer
My Sister's Bones
Daniel Handler
The Basic Eight
Helene Hanff
84, Charing Cross Road
Barry Hannah
Hey Jack
Ron Hansen
The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
A Wild Surge of Guilty Passion
Elizabeth Hardwick
Sleepless Nights
Thomas Hardy
Jude the Obscure
The Mayor of Casterbridge
The Return of the Native
Tess of the d'Urbervilles
Joanne Harris
Robert Harris
The Second Sleep
Thomas Harris
The Red Dragon
The Silence of the Lambs
Kathryn Harrison
The Kiss
Thicker Than Water
Melissa Harrison
At Hawthorn Time
L.P. Hartley
The Go-Between
The Shrimp and the Anemone
Kent Haruf
Our Souls at Night
The Tie That Binds
Michael Harvey
The Third Rail
Samantha Harvey
The Shapeless Unease
John Harwood
The Ghost Writer
Adam Haslett
Imagine Me Gone
You Are Not a Stranger Here
Jon Hassler
The Love Hunter
Roger Hatfield and Paul Carter
The Private Lives of Albert Einstein
C.J. Hauser
Family of Origin
Nathaniel Hawthorne
The Blithedale Romance
The Scarlet Letter (three times)
Shirley Hazzard
The Great Fire
The Transit of Venus
Maria Dahvana Headley
The Mere Wife
Jane Healey
The Animals of Lockwood Manor
Seamus Heaney
The Burial at Thebes
Julie Hecht
Do the Windows Open?
Happy Trails to You
The Unprofessionals
Was This Man a Genius?
Ursula Hegi
Stones from the River
Jean Hegland
Into the Forest (twice)
Katherine Heiny
Single, Carefree, Mellow
Standard Deviation
Lillian Hellman
Joseph Heller
Zoe Heller
The Believers
Ernest Hemingway
A Farewell to Arms
For Whom the Bell Tolls
The Old Man and the Sea (twice)
The Sun Also Rises (twice)
Robin Hemley
All You Can Eat
The Big Ear
Nola: A Memoir of Faith, Art and Madness
The Last Studebaker
Reply All
Turning Life into Fiction
Amy Hempel
At the Gates of the Animal Kingdom
Reasons to Live
Bill Henderson, ed.
Minutes of the Lead Pencil Club
Tony Hendra
The Messiah of Morris Avenue
Phillip Hensher
The Northern Clemency
Frank Herbert
Destination Void
The Jesus Incident
The Lazarus Effect
John Hersey
Works and Days
Hermann Hesse
Patricia Highsmith
Edith's Diary
The Talented Mr. Ripley
Nathan Hill
The Nix
Susan Hill
The Woman in Black
Tobias Hill
The Hidden
Laura Hillenbrand
James Hillman
The Soul's Code
Christopher Hitchens
God is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything
Vigdis Hjorth
A House in Norway
Will and Testament
Russell Hoban
Turtle Diary
Alice Hoffman
At Risk
Local Girls
Practical Magic
Turtle Moon
Elisabeth Sanxay Holding
The Blank Wall
Cecelia Holland
Railroad Schemes
Michael Holroyd
Basil Street Blues: A Memoir
The Iliad (Robert Fagles, trans.)
The Odyssey (Robert Fagles, trans.)
A.M. Homes
May We Be Forgiven
Gail Honeyman
Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine
Mary Hood
Familiar Heat
M*A*S*H Goes to Maine
Stacy Horn
Waiting for My Cats to Die: A Morbid Memoir
Nick Hornby
High Fidelity
Housekeeping vs. The Dirt
The Polysyllabic Spree
Shakespeare Wrote For Money
More Baths Less Talking
Michel Houellebecq
Silas House
Pam Houston
Cowboys Are My Weakness
Waltzing the Cat
Elizabeth Jane Howard
The Long View
Bohumil Hrabal
Closely Observed Trains
David Huddle
The High Spirits
Richard Hughes
The Fox in the Attic

A High Wind in Jamaica
Keri Hulme

The Bone People
Josephine Humphreys
Dreams of Sleep (twice)
The Fireman's Fair
Rich in Love (twice)
Michelle Huneven
Off Course
Irene Hunt
Across Five Aprils
Up a Road Slowly
Aldous Huxley
Brave New World (twice)
Elspeth Huxley
Red Strangers
James Hynes
Kings of Infinite Space
The Lecturer's Tale
Henrick Ibsen
Doll's House
Arnaldur Indridason
Reykjavik Nights
Rachel Ingalls
Mrs. Caliban
Eugen Ionesco
 Rhinoceros and Other Plays

John Irving
A Prayer for Owen Meany
Setting Free the Bears (twice)
A Widow for One Year
The World According to Garp (twice)
Kazuo Ishiguro
Never Let Me Go
The Remains of the Day
When We Were Orphans
Tara Ison
The List
Emmi Itarenta
Memory of Water
Pasi Ilmari Jaakelainen
Rabbit Back Literature Society
Shirley Jackson
Come Along With Me
The Haunting of Hill House
Let Me Tell You
Life Among the Savages
The Lottery and Other Stories
Raising Demons
The Sundial (twice)
The Road Through the Wall
We Have Always Lived in the Castle (three times)
Hope Jahren
Lab Girl
The Story of More: How We Got to Climate Change and Where to Go From Here
Henry James
The Ambassadors
The Bostonians
Portrait of a Lady
The Turn of the Screw
Washington Square
The Wings of the Dove
P.D. James
Death Comes to Pemberley
Kay Redfield Jamison
An Unquiet Mind
Leslie Jamison
The Empathy Exams
Kristopher Jansma
The Unchangeable Spots of Leopards
Tove Jansson
The Summer Book
Rhoda Janzen
Mennonite in a Little Black Dress
N.K. Jemisin
Emergency Skin
Gish Jen
Mona in the Promised Land
Typical American
Who's Irish?
World and Town
Liz Jensen
The Uninvited

Denis Johnson
Tree of Smoke
Diane Johnson
Lulu in Marrakech
Julie Tallard Johnson
Hidden Victims Hidden Healers:An Eight-Stage Healing Process for Family and Friends of the Mentally Ill
Pat Johnson and Barbara van Tuyl
The Sweet Running Filly
Wayne Johnston
A World Elsewhere
Dianna Wynne Jones
The Lives of Christopher Chant
Witch Week
Edward P. Jones
The Known World
Liz Jones
The Exmoor Files
Sadie Jones
The Snake
Thom Jones
Cold Snap
The Pugilist at Rest
Ragnar Jonasson
Black Out
Hillary Jordan
David Joy

The Line That Held Us
James Joyce
Portrait of the Artist As a Young Man
Heidi Julavits
The Folded Clock
Franz Kafka
The Castle
The Metamorphosis
The Trial
Mark Kalesniko
Why Did Pete Duel Kill Himself?
James Kaplan
Two Guys From Verona
Mary Karr
The Liar's Club
Sinners Welcome
Tropic of Squalor
Jonas Karlsson
The Invoice
Laura Kasischke
In a Perfect World
Margo Kaufman
Clara, the Early Years: The Story of the Pug Who Ruled My Life
Susanna Kaysen
Asa, As I Knew Him
Far Afield
Girl, Interrupted
Nikos Kazantzakis
Last Temptation of Christ
Mary Beth Keane
Joe Keenan
Blue Heaven
Marjorie Kellogg
Tell Me That You Love Me, Junie Moon
Elizabeth Kelly
Apologize, Apologize!
Richard Kelly
The Donnie Darko Book
Walter Kempowski
All for Nothing
Sarah Kendzior
Hiding in Plain Sight
A. L. Kennedy
Everything You Need
Hannah Kent
Burial Rites
Piper Kerman
Orange is the New Black: My Year in a Women's Prison
M. E. Kerr
Dinky Hocker Shoots Smack! (three times)
Ken Kesey
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Patrice Khan-Cullors
When They Call You a Terrorist

Chip Kidd
The Cheese Monkeys: A Novel in Two Semesters
Lydia Kiesling
The Golden State
Haven Kimmel
A Girl Named Zippy
She Got Up Off the Couch
The Solace of Leaving Early
Something Rising (Light and Swift)
The Used World
Nanci Kincaid
Pretending the Bed is a Raft
R.M. Kinder
An Absolute Gentleman
Lily King
The Pleasing Hour
Writers and Lovers
Stephen King
Carrie (twice)
On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft
Lee Kingman
The Year of the Raccoon (three times)
Barbara Kingsolver
The Bean Trees
Pigs in Heaven
Poisonwood Bible
James Kirkwood
P.S. Your Cat is Dead
Walter Kirn
Mission to America
She Needed Me
Binnie Kirshenbaum
Food for Rabbits
Ivan Klima
No Saints or Angels
Matthew Kneale
English Passengers
When We Were Romans
John Knowles
A Separate Peace
Elizabeth Knox
Lisa Ko
The Leavers
Gina Kolata
Flu: The Story of the Great Influenza Pandemic of 1918 and the Search for the Virus That Caused It
Elizabeth Kolbert
Field Notes from a Catastrophe: Man, Nature, and Climate Change
The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History
Gerald Kolpan
Marie Kondo
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up
E. L. Konigsburg
Jennifer, Hecate, MacBeth, William McKinley, and Me, Elizabeth
View from Saturday
Joyce Reiser Kornblatt
Jerzy Kosinski
Being There
Elizabeth Kostova
The Historian
Mary Robinette Kowal
The Lady Astronaut of Mars

Jon Krakauer
Into the Wild (twice)
Nicole Krauss
The History of Love
Maxine Kumin
Jack and Other New Poems
Milan Kundera
The Book of Laughter and Forgetting
James Howard Kunstler
The Long Emergency
World Made By Hand
Stephen Kuusisto
Planet of the Blind
Nick Laird
Modern Gods
Halldor Laxness
The Atom Station
Independent People
Under the Glacier
Wally Lamb
The Hour I First Believed
I Know This Much is True
She's Come Undone
John (Fire) Lame Deer and Richard Erdoes
Lame Deer, Seer of Visions
Anne Lamott
Bird by Bird
Hallelujah Anyway: Rediscovering Mercy
Operating Instructions
Alex Landragin
Harriet Lane
Alys, Always
Julie Langsdorf
White Elephant
James Lasdun
Give Me Everything You Have: On Being Stalked
John Larison
Whiskey When We're Dry
Deborah Larsen
The White
Reif Larsen
The Selected Works of T.S. Spivet
Stephen and Robin Larsen
A Fire in the Mind: The Life of Joseph Campbell
Erik Larson
In the Garden of Beasts: Love, Terror, and an American Family in Hitler's Berlin
Glen Larson and Matthew Howard
Alias Smith and Jones (script, multiple times)
Kathryn Lasky
Memoirs of a Bookbat
Jennifer Lauck
Blackbird: A Childhood Lost and Found
Margaret Laurence
The Fire-Dwellers
The Stone Angel
Victor LaValle
The Changeling
D.H. Lawrence
Sons and Lovers
The Rainbow
Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee
The Night Thoreau Spent in Jail (twice)
Jenny Lawson
Let's Pretend This Never Happened (A Mostly True Memoir)
Mary Lawson
Crow Lake
Road Ends
Halldor Laxness
Independent People
Under the Glacier
David Leavitt
Family Dancing
Harper Lee
Go Set a Watchman
To Kill a Mockingbird (three times)
Hermione Lee
Reading in Bed
Min Jin Lee
David Lehman, ed.
The Best American Poetry 2019

Edan Lepucki
Mary Leonhardt
Parents Who Love Reading, Kids Who Don't
Wendy Lesser
The Amateur: An Independent Life of Letters
Why I Read: The Serious Pleasure of Books
Doris Lessing
The Diary of a Good Neighbour by Jane Somers
The Fifth Child
The Good Terrorist
If the Old Could. . . by Jane Somers
Love, Again
Particularly Cats. . . and Rufus
The Sweetest Dream
Jonathan Lethem
Chronic City
Girl in Landscape
How We Got Insipid
Lucky Alan and Other Stories
Madeleine L'Engle
A Circle of Quiet
A Wind in the Door
A Wrinkle in Time (multiple times)
Nikolai Leskov
Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk

Billie Letts
Where the Heart Is
Denise Levertov
To Stay Alive
Ira Levin
Rosemary's Baby
Son of Rosemary
Judith Levine
Not Buying It: My Year Without Shopping
Sara Levine
Treasure Island!!!
Steven Levitsky
How Democracies Die
Amy Levy
The Romance of a Shop
Andrea Levy
Small Island

C. S. Lewis
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
The Magician's Nephew
Till We Have Faces (twice)
Penelope A. Lewis
The Secret World of Sleep: The Surprising Science of the Mind at Rest
Sara Lewis
Trying to Smile and Other Stories
Sinclair Lewis
Main Street
Franz Lidz
Unstrung Heroes
Lauren Liebenberg
TheVoluptuous Delights of Peanut Butter and Jam
Alan Lightman
Einstein's Dreams
Joan Lindsay
Picnic at Hanging Rock
Elinor Lipman
The Family Man
Into Love and Out Again
Isabel's Bed
Then She Found Me
The Way Men Act
Laura Lippman
I'd Know You Anywhere
Life Sentences
Barbara K. Lipska
 The Neurologist Who Lost Her Mind

David Liss
The Whiskey Rebels
Penelope Lively
Passing On
Margot Livesey
Eva Moves the Furniture
David Lodge
The Art of Fiction
The British Museum in Falling Down
Changing Places
Small World
James W. Loewen
Lies My Teacher Told Me
Hugh Lofting
he Story of Doctor Dolittle (twice)
The Voyages of Doctor Dolittle (twice)
David Long
The Daughters of Simon Lamoreaux
Christine Longford
Making Conversation
William Longgood
The Queen Must Die and Other Affairs of Bees and Men
Lois Lowry
The Giver
Valeria Luiselli
The Story of My Teeth
Alison Lurie
Imaginary Friends
Jacki Lyden
Daughter of the Queen of Sheba
Jim Lynch
The Highest Tide
Thomas Lynch
The Undertaking: Life Studies from the Dismal Trade
Ling Ma
Rose Macaulay
Crewe Train
Told by an Idiot
 The Towers of Trebizond
Andrew David MacDonald
When We Were Vikings
Helen Macdonald
H is for Hawk
Bruce Machart
The Wake of Forgiveness
Beth Macy
Deirdre Madden
Molly Fox's Birthday
Margareta Magnusson
The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning
Sally Magnusson
 The Sealwoman's Gift

Gregory Maguire
After Alice
Naguib Mahfouz
Palace Walk
Norman Mailer
The Executioner's Song
Karen Maitland
The Owl Killers
Alice Major
Welcome to the Anthropocene
Andrei Makine
The Woman Who Waited
Rebecca Makkai
The Borrower
Janet Malcolm
The Silent Woman: Sylvia Plath
Kate Maloy
Every Last Cuckoo
William Manchester
A World Lit Only By Fire
Emily St. John Mandel
The Glass Hotel
Station Eleven
Alberto Manguel
A History of Reading
Sarah Manguso
300 Arguments
Ongoingness: The End of a Diary
Thomas Mann
The Magic Mountain
Olivia Manning
Friends and Heroes
The Great Fortune
School for Love
The Spoilt City
Hilary Mantel
The Assassination of Margaret Thatcher
Beyond Black
Bring Up the Bodies
A Change of Climate
Eight Months on Ghazzah Street
Giving Up the Ghost
Wolf Hall
Christopher Marlowe
Doctor Faustus
Don Marquis
Archy and Mehitabel
Anthony Marra
The Tsar of Love and Techno
Yann Martel
Life of Pi
Karl Marx
The Communist Manifesto
Bobbie Ann Mason
Feather Crowns
In Country
Love Life
Shiloh and Other Stories
Spence + Lila
Edgar Lee Masters
Spoon River Anthology
Alice Mattison
The Book Borrower
W. Somerset Maugham
Cakes and Ale
Christmas Holiday
Liza of Lambeth
Of Human Bondage
The Painted Veil
The Razor's Edge (twice)
Up at the Villa
Nancy Mauro
New World Monkeys
Simon Mawer
Mendel's Dwarf
William Maxwell
So Long, See You Tomorrow
They Came Like Swallows
Peter May
The Blackhouse
Rollo May
The Courage to Create
The Cry for Myth
Imbolo Mbue
Behold the Dreamers
Tom McAllister
How to Be Safe
Paul McAuley
James McBride
The Good Lord Bird
Anne McCaffrey
Crystal Singer
Decision at Doona
Dinosaur Planet
Dinosaur Planet Survivors
The Dragonriders of Pern
Moreta, Dragonlady of Pern
The White Dragon
Alexander McCall Smith
The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency
Cormac McCarthy
All the Pretty Horses
The Road
Jill McCorkle
Carolina Moon
The Cheer Leader
Crash Diet and Other Stories
Creatures of Habit
Ferris Beach
Final Vinyl Days and Other Stories
Going Away Shoes
July 7th
Tending to Virginia
Frank McCourt
Angela's Ashes
Elizabeth McCracken
The Giant's House
Thunderstruck and Other Stories
Sharyn McCrumb
The Rosewood Casket
Carson McCullers
Ballad of the Sad Cafe
The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
David Mccullough
John Adams
Alice McDermott
At Weddings and Wakes
Child of My Heart
That Night
Martin McDonagh
The Lonesome West
Ian McEwan
Atonement (twice)
The Cement Garden
The Daydreamer
Enduring Love
Alison McGhee
Was It Beautiful?
Joe McGinniss
The Rogue: Searching for the Real Sarah Palin
Jay McInerney
Bright Lights, Big City
The Story of My Life
Elizabeth McKenzie
The Portable Veblen
Tim McLaurin
The Keeper of the Moon
Don McLeese
Dwight Yoakam: A Thousand Miles from Nowhere
Larry McMurtry
All My Friends Are Going To Be Strangers
By Sorrow's River
Horseman, Pass By
The Last Picture Show
Leaving Cheyenne
Lonesome Dove
Moving On
Sin Killer
Streets of Laredo
Terms of Endearment
The Wandering Hill
Michelle McNamara
I'll Be Gone in the Dark
John McPhee
Rising From the Plains
James M. McPherson
Abraham Lincoln
Tom McNeal
Goodnight, Nebraska
Martha McPhee
Bright Angel Time
Rebecca Mead
My Life in Middlemarch
Jon Meacham
American Lion: Andrew Jackson in the White House
James Meek
The People's Act of Love
Maile Meloy
Half in Love
Herman Melville
Bartleby the Schrivener
Moby Dick (twice)
Susan Scarf Merrell
Robert Merle
The Day of the Dolphin
Claire Messud
The Burning Girl
The Last Life
The Woman Upstairs
Carolyn Meyer
Mary, Bloody Mary
Stephenie Meyer
James Michener
Shelley Fraser Mickle
The Queen of October
Replacing Dad
China Mieville
Nancy Milford
Savage Beauty: The Life of Edna St. Vincent Millay
Zelda: A Biography
Edna St. Vincent Millay
Collected Lyrics (multiple times)
Collected Sonnets (multiple times)
A Few Figs From Thistles
Alice Miller
The Drama of the Gifted Child
Amy Miller
They Call Me the Cat Lady
Arthur Miller
The Crucible
The Death of a Salesman (three times)
Christian Miller
A Childhood in Scotland
Derek B. Miller
Norwegian by Night
Laura Miller
The Magician's Book: A Skeptic's Adventures in Narnia
Sue Miller
The Arsonist
The Distinguished Guest
Family Pictures
The Good Mother
Inventing the Abbotts and Other Stories
Walter M. Miller, Jr.
A Canticle for Leibowitz (three times)
Saint Leibowitz and the Wild Horse Woman
Lydia Millet
A Children's Bible
How the Dead Dream
Sweet Lamb of Heaven
Steven Millhauser
Edwin Mullhouse
Enchanted Night
A.A. Milne
Christopher Milne
The Enchanted Places
Thomas Minehan
Boy and Girl Tramps of America
Susan Minot
Monkeys (twice)
Fatima Farheen Mirza
A Place for Us
Jacquelyn Mitchard
The Deep End of the Ocean
David Mitchell
Black Swan Green
The Bone Clocks
Cloud Atlas (twice)
The Thousand Autumns of Jacob De Zoet
Margaret Mitchell
Gone With the Wind
Joseph Mitchell
Joe Gould's Secret
Judith Claire Mitchell
A Reunion of Ghosts
Stephen Mitchell
Jessica Mitford
Hons and Rebels
Nancy Mitford
The Pursuit of Love
Wigs on the Green
Anna Mitgutsch
Patrick Modiano
Out of the Dark
Christian Moerk
Darling Jim
Sy Montgomery
The Soul of an Octopus: A Surprising Exploration into the Wonder of Consciousness
Ralph Moody
Little Britches
Rick Moody
The Ice Storm
Dinty Moore
The Emperor's Virtual Clothes
Kate Moore
The Radium Girls
Liz Moore
The Unseen World
Michael Moore
Dude, Where's My Country?
Lorrie Moore
Anagrams (three times)
A Gate at the Stairs
Like Life
Self Help
Who Will Run the Frog Hospital?
Margaret Moorman
My Sister's Keeper: Learning to Cope with a Sibling's Mental Illness
Ruth Moose
Marta Morazzoni
The Invention of Truth
Katherine Mosby
Private Altars
C.E. Morgan
The Sport of Kings
Jan Morris
In My Mind's Eye: A Thought Diary
Katherine Faw Morris
Young God
Mary McGarry Morris
A Dangerous Woman
Light from a Distant Star
Songs in Ordinary Time
Toni Morrison
The Bluest Eye
James Morrow
The Last Witchfinder

The Philosopher's Apprentice
Brian Morton

Florence Gordon
Starting Out In the Evening
Howard Frank Moser
Northern Borders
Ottessa Moshfegh
My Year of Rest and Relaxation
Sarah Moss
Cold Earth
Ghost Wall
Names for the Sea: Strangers in Iceland
Night Waking
The Tidal Zone
Thomas Mullen
The Revisionists
Alice Munro
The Beggar Maid
Dance of the Happy Shades
Dear Life
Hateship, Friendship, Courtship, Loveship, Marriage
Lives of Girls and Women
The Love of a Good Woman
Open Secrets
Too Much Happiness
Haruki Murakami
A Wild Sheep Chase
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle
Iris Murdoch
The Bell
The Black Prince
The Book and the Brotherhood
The Flight of the Enchanter
The Green Knight
Henry and Cato
The Italian Girl
Jackson's Dilemma
The Philosopher's Pupil
The Sea, the Sea
A Severed Head
Something Special
The Sovereignty of Good
Under the Net
An Unofficial Rose
The Unicorn
A Word Child
Louise Murphy
The True Story of Hansel and Gretel
Paul Murray
Skippy Dies
Vladimir Nabokov
The Defense
Speak, Memory: An Autobiography Revisited
Azar Nafisi
Reading Lolita in Tehran: A Memoir in Books
Ann Napolitano
A Good Hard Look
Sena Jeter Naslund
Ahab's Wife or, The Star-Gazer
Lawrence Naumoff
The Night of the Weeping Women
A Plan for Women
Rootie Kazootie
Silk Hope, N.C.
Taller Women
Antonya Nelson
Female Trouble
Living to Tell
Nobody's Girl
Dick Nelson
Alias Smith and Jones: Journey From San Juan
Sara Nelson
So Many Books, So Little Time: A Year of Passionate Reading
Irene Nemirovsky
Fire in the Blood
G. Neri
Hello, I'm Johnny Cash
John Neufeld
Lisa, Bright and Dark (twice)
Lucia Nevai
Normal: Stories
Sandra Newman
The Heavens
Celeste Ng
Everything I Never Told You
Nigel Nicolson
Virginia Woolf
Audrey Niffenegger
Her Fearful Symmetry
Three Incestuous Sisters
The Time Traveler's Wife
Han Nolan
Dancing on the Edge
Cees Nooteboom
The Following Story
Howard Norman
The Bird Artist
Drouth Nors
Karate Chop and Minna Needs Rehearsal Space
Naomi Novik
His Majesty's Dragon
Sherwin B. Nuland
How We Die
Sigrid Nunez
The Friend
Mitz: The Marmoset of Bloomsbury
What Are You Going Through
Robert Nye
The Late Mr. Shakespeare
Joyce Carol Oates
A Book of American Martyrs
The Gravedigger's Daughter
Hazards of Time Travel
We Were the Mulvaneys
Barack Obama
Dreams From My Father
Michelle Obama
Patrick O'Brian
Master and Commander
Post Captain
H.M.S. Surprise
The Mauritius Command
Desolation Island
The Fortune of War
The Surgeon's Mate
The Ionian Mission
Treason's Harbour
The Far Side of the World
The Reverse of the Medal
The Letter of Marque
The Thirteen-Gun Salute
The Nutmeg of Consolation
The Truelove
The Wine-Dark Sea
The Commodore
The Yellow Admiral
Michael O'Brien
Mrs. Adams in Winter: A Journey in the Last Days of Napoleon
Flannery O'Connor
Everything That Rises Must Converge
A Good Man is Hard to Find
Mystery and Manners
The Violent Bear It Away
Wise Blood (twice)
Nuala O'Connor
Joyride to Jupiter
Stephen O'Connor
Orphan Trains: The Story of Charles Loring Brace and the Children He Saved and Failed
Bragi Olafsson
The Pets
Margaret Oliphant
Mystery of Mrs. Blencarrow
Queen Eleanor and Fair Rosamond
Edith Olivier
The Love-Child
Shannon Olson
Welcome to My Planet (Where English is Sometime Spoken)
Maggie O'Farrell
I Am I Am I Am
Jenny Offill
Dept. of Speculation
Last Things
Mary O'Hara
My Friend Flicka (three times)
Green Grass of Wyoming
Chinelo Okparanta
Under the Udala Trees
Bruce Olds
Bucking the Tiger
Raising Holy Hell
Audar Ava Olafsdottir
Butterflies in November
The Greenhouse
Bragi Olafsson
The Pets
Olaf Olafsson
The Journey Home
Kristin Omarsdottir
Children in Reindeer Woods
Stewart O'Nan
Emily, Alone
The Good Wife
Henry, Himself
Last Night at the Lobster
A Prayer for the Dying
Snow Angels
Wish You Were Here
Michael Ondaatje
In the Skin of a Lion
Jerry Oppenheimer
Martha Stewart: Just Desserts
Judy Oppenheimer
Private Demons: The Life of Shirley Jackson
Julie Orringer
Can You Feel This?
Flight Portfolio
How to Breathe Underwater
The Invisible Bridge
George Orwell
Animal Farm (three times)
Burmese Days
Down and Out in Paris and London
1984 (three times)
Howard Owen
Fat Lightning
Lara Owen
Her Blood is Gold
Ruth Ozeki
A Tale for the Time Being
Cynthia Ozick
Foreign Bodies
Heir to the Glimmering World

Comprehensive Reading List P-Z

Ann Packer
The Children's Crusade
The Dive From Clausen's Pier
Elaine Pagels
Gnostic Gospels
The Origin of Satan
Grace Paley
Later the Same Day
Michael Palin
Hemingway's Chair
Felix J. Palma
The Map of Time
Ellen Pall
Among the Ginzburgs
Dexter Palmer
Version Control
Orhan Pamuk
My Name is Red
Gail Parent
Sheila Levine is Dead and Living in New York
Sara Paretsky
Indemnity Only
Dorothy Parker
The Collected Poetry of Dorothy Parker
Anu Partanen
The Nordic Theory of Everything: In Search of a Better Life
Ann Patchett
The Dutch House
The Getaway Car: A Practical Memoir About Writing and Life
The Magician's Assistant
The Patron Saint of Liars
Truth and Beauty
Jill Paton Walsh
Knowledge of Angels
Victoria Patterson
This Vacant Paradise
Jim Paul
Elsewhere in the Land of Parrots
Nancy Peacock
A Broom of One's Own
Life Without Water
Tim Pears
Disputed Land
T.R. Pearson
A Short History of a Small Place (twice)
Lydia Peelle
Reasons For and Advantages of Breathing
Cathie Pelletier
Beaming Sonny Home
The Bubble Reputation
The Funeral Makers
A Marriage Made in Woodstock
Daniel Pennac
Better Than Life
Louise Penny
The Brutal Telling
Irene M. Pepperberg
Alex and Me: How a Scientist and a Parrot Uncovered a Hidden World of Animal Intelligence--and Formed a Deep Bond in the Process
Walker Percy
The Last Gentleman (twice)
Lost in the Cosmos
Love in the Ruins
The Moviegoer (twice)
The Second Coming
The Thanatos Syndrome
Eleanor Perenyi
More Was Lost: A Memoir
Arturo Perez-Reverte
The Club Dumas
Elliot Perlman
Seven Types of Ambiguity
Tom Perrotta
Little Children
Sarah Perry
The Essex Serpent
Marisha Pessl
Night Film
Special Topics in Calamity Physics
Ann Petry
The Street
Per Petterson
Out Stealing Horses
Gin Phillips
The Well and the Mine
Helen Phillips
The Need
Jayne Anne Phillips
Lark and Termite
Kate Phillips
White Rabbit
Thomas Pierce
The Afterlives
Mary Pipher
Reviving Ophelia
John Pipkin
Luigi Pirandello
Six Characters in Search of an Author
Sylvia Plath
The Bell Jar (twice)
Selected Myths
Michael Pollan
The Botany of Desire: A Plant's-Eye View of the World
Katherine Anne Porter
Pale Horse, Pale Rider
Chaim Potok
The Chosen
The Promise
Max Porter
Grief is the Thing with Feathers
Charles Portis
The Dog of the South
True Grit (twice)
Anthony Powell
The Soldier's Art
The Military Philosophers
Books Do Furnish a Room
Temporary Kings
Hearing Secret Harmonies
A Question of Upbringing
A Buyer's Market
The Acceptance World
At Lady Molly's
Casanova's Chinese Restaurant
The Kindly Ones
The Valley of Bones
Dannye Romine Powell
At Every Wedding Someone Stays Home
Parting the Curtains
Dawn Powell
Angels on Toast
Dance Night
Sophie Powell
The Mushroom Man
Charles T. Powers
In the Memory of the Forest
Richard Powers
The Echo Maker
The Overstory
Terry Pratchett
Small Gods
Christopher Priest
The Adjacent
David A. Price
Love and Hate in Jamestown: John Smith, Pocahontas, and the Heart of a New Nation
Reynolds Price
Blue Calhoun
A Generous Man
Good Hearts
A Long and Happy Life
The Tongues of Angels
Walking Lessons
Cherie Priest
Francine Prose
Blue Angel
Hunters and Gatherers
The Peaceable Kingdom
Reading Like a Writer
E. Annie Proulx
The Shipping News
Marcel Proust
Swann's Way
In the Shadow of Young Girls in Flower
Eric Puchner
Model Home
Josephine Pullein-Thompson
Plenty of Ponies (twice, at least)
Six Ponies
Philip Pullman
La Belle Sauvage
The Golden Compass
The Subtle Knife
The Amber Spyglass
The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ
Diane Purkiss
At the Bottom of the Garden: A Dark History of Fairies, Hobgoblins and Other Troublesome Things
Barbara Pym
Excellent Women
Jane and Prudence
David Quammen
The Reluctant Mr. Darwin
Anna Quindlen
Black and Blue
How Reading Changed My Life
One True Thing
Daniel Quinn
The Story of B
Jonathan Rabin
Donald Rackin
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking-Glass
Tom Rackman
Basket of Deplorables
The Imperfectionists
Louise Rafkin
Other People's Dirt
Zahia Rahmani
"Muslim": a novel
Hannu Rajaniemi
The Quantum Thief
Ayn Rand
Marta Randall
Ron Rash
Burning Bright: Stories
The Cove
One Foot in Eden
Shannon Ravenael, ed.
New Stories from the South: 1993
Thomas Rayfiel
P. Carey Reid
Swimming in the Starry River
Frederick Reiken
The Lost Legends of New Jersey
The Odd Sea
Sheri Reynolds
A Gracious Plenty
The Rapture of Canaan
Anne Rice
Interview With a Vampire
Ben Rice
Pobby and Dingan
Luanne Rice
Crazy in Love
Louise Dickinson Rich
We Took to the Woods
Emma Richler
Feed My Dear Dogs
Sister Crazy
Andrew Ridker
The Altruists

Martin Riker
Samuel Johnson's Eternal Return
Susan Rivers
The Second Ms. Hockaday

Keena Roberts
Wild Life: Dispatches from a Childhood of Baboons and Button-Downs
Don Robertson
The Greatest Thing Since Sliced Bread
James Robertson
And the Land Lay Still
The Testament of Gideon Mack
Kim Stanley Robinson
New York 2140
Red Mars
Marilynne Robinson
Roxana Robinson

Mary Robison
Believe Them
Elizabeth Frankie Rollins
The Sin Eater and Other Stories
Sally Rooney
Normal People
Paul Rosa
Idiot Letters
Phyllis Rose
The Year of Reading Proust
Jonathan Rosen
Joy Comes in the Morning
Judith Rossner
Looking for Mr. Goodbar
Henry Roth
Call It Sleep
Philip Roth
American Pastoral
Goodbye, Columbus
The Human Stain
The Plot Against America
Portnoy's Complaint
Claire Holden Rothman
My October
Josephine Rowe
A Loving, Faithful Animal
Rainbow Rowell
Russell Rowland
In Open Spaces
J.K. Rowling
The Cuckoo's Calling (as Robert Galbraith)
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Arundhati Roy
The God of Small Things
Carlos Ruiz Zafon
The Angel's Game
Juan Rulfo
Pedro Paramo
Norman Rush
Salman Rushdie
Haroun and the Sea of Stories
Midnight's Children
Peter Rushforth
A Dead Language
Pinkerton's Sister
Emily Ruskovich
Helen Russell
The Year of Living Danishly: My Twelve Months Unearthing the Secrets of the World's Happiest Country
Mary Doria Russell
Children of God
Dreamers of the Day
The Sparrow
Karen Russell
Sleep Donation
St. Lucy's Home for Girls Raised by Wolves
Richard Russo
Best American Short Stories 2010, editor
Bridge of Sighs
Empire Falls
Everybody's Fool
Nobody's Fool
Straight Man
Donal Ryan
The Spinning Heart
Vita Sackville-West
The Easter Party
Jeanne Safer
The Normal One: Life With a Difficult or Damaged Sibling
Sandra K. Sagala and JoAnne M. Bagwell
Alias Smith and Jones: The Story of Two Pretty Good Bad Men
Carl Sagan
Dragons of Eden
Carl Sagan and Ann Druyan
Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors: A Search for Who We Are
Lorna Sage
Bad Blood
H.F. Saint
Memoirs of an Invisible Man
Antoine de Saint-Exupery
The Little Prince
Lauren St. John
Hardcore Troubadour: The Life and Near Death of Steve Earle
J.D. Salinger
The Catcher in the Rye (multiple times)
Franny and Zooey (twice)
Raise High the Roofbeams, Carpenters and Seymour, An Introduction (twice)
Nine Stories
Mark Salzman
Lost in Place: Growing Up Absurd in Suburbia
Lying Awake
Ferrol Sams
Run With the Horsemen
George Sand
B. W. Sandefur

Alias Smith and Jones: The Reformation of Harry Briscoe (script)
Dori Sanders
Robert M. Sapolsky
A Primate's Memoir
Jose Saramago
Baltasar and Blimunda
The Gospel According to Jesus Christ
Jean-Paul Sarte
No Exit (twice)
May Sarton
The Small Room
Marjane Satrapi
Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood
George Saunders
CivilWarLand in Bad Decline
Fox 8
In Persuasion Nation
Lila Savage
Say Say Say
Dorothy Sayers
Gaudy Night
Valerie Sayers
Brain Fever
Due East
How I Got Him Back
Who Do You Love
Helen Scales
Poseidon's Steed: The Story of Seahorses, From Myth to Reality
Jack Schaefer
Timothy Schaffert
The Phantom Limbs of the Rollow Sisters
Elissa Schappell
Use Me
Elyse Schein and Paula Bernstein
Identical Strangers
Anakana Schofield
Julie Schumacher
The Shakespeare Requirement
Samanta Schweblin
Fever Dream
Kathryn Schwille
What Luck, This Life
Moacyr Scliar
Max and the Cats
Audrey Schulman
Theory of Bastards
Three Weeks in December
Bruno Schulz
The Street of Crocodiles
Lynne Sharon Schwartz
Acquainted With the Night and Other Stories
Rough Strife
Cathleen Schine
Alice in Bed
The Evolution of Jane
The Grammarians
The Love Letter
Alice Sebold
The Lovely Bones
David Sedaris
Barrel Fever
Me Talk Pretty One Day
Jaroslav Seifert
The Casting of Bells
Carolyn See
Dreaming: Hard Luck and Good Times in America
The Handyman
Eric Segal
Love Story
Susan Sellers
Vanessa and Virginia
Vikram Seth
A Suitable Boy
Mary Lee Settle
Know Nothing
The Scapegoat
Anna Sewall
Black Beauty (three times)
Anne Sexton
The Awful Rowing Toward God
Michael Shaara
The Killer Angels
Peter Shaffer
Equus (three times)
William Shakespeare
Antony and Cleopatra
As You Like It
Hamlet (multiple times)
Julius Caesar (three times)
King Henry IV, Part I
King Lear (twice)
King Richard II
Love's Labour's Lost
Macbeth (twice)
Measure for Measure
The Merchant of Venice
A Midsummer Night's Dream
Othello (twice)
Romeo and Juliet
The Taming of the Shrew (twice)
The Tempest (three times)
Twelfth Night
The Winter's Tale
Paula Sharp
The Woman Who Was Not All There
Matthew Sharpe
The Sleeping Father
Claudia Shear
Blown Sideways Through Life
Gail Sheehy
The Silent Passage
Elizabeth Chiles Shelburne
Holding On to Nothing
Mary Shelley
Frankenstein (twice)
Sandi Kahn Shelton
You Might as Well Laugh
David Shenk
The Forgetting: Alzheimer's: Portrait of an Epidemic
Peng Shepherd
The Book of M
R. C. Sherriff
The Hopkins Manuscript
Carol Shields
The Box Garden
Larry's Party
Republic of Love
Small Ceremonies
Stone Diaries
Various Miracles
Louise Shivers
Here to Get My Baby Out of Jail (twice)
A Whistling Woman
Russell Shorto
The Island at the Center of the World: The Epic Story of Dutch Manhattan and the Forgotten Colony that Shaped America
Lionel Shriver
The Mandibles: A Family, 2029-2047
A Perfectly Good Family
Gary Shteyngart
Super Sad True Love Story
Nevil Shute
On the Beach
Anne Rivers Siddons
The House Next Door
Outer Banks
Up Island
Yrsa Sigurdardottir
I Remember You
Last Rituals
My Soul to Take
Joan Silber
The Art of Time in Fiction: As Long As It Takes
Ideas of Heaven
Georges Simenon
The Man Who Watched Trains Go By
Dan Simmons
The Fall of Hyperion
The Terror
Scott Simon
Pretty Birds
Helen Simonson
Major Pettigrew's Last Stand
Mona Simpson
Anywhere But Here
My Hollywood
Off Keck Road
Johanna Sinisalo
The Core of the Sun
Troll: A Love Story
Zecharia Sitchin
The 12th Planet
Curtis Sittenfeld
CoDex 1962
Moonstone: The Boy Who Never Was
Rebecca Skloot
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks
Warren Slesinger, ed.
The Whole Story: Editors on Fiction
Anna Smail
The Chimes
Elizabeth Smart
By Grand Central Station I Sat Down and Wept
John Smelcer
The Raven

Jane Smiley
The Age of Grief
The All-True Travels and Adventures of Lidie Newton
Duplicate Keys
Early Warning
The Georges and the Jewels
Horse Heaven
Ordinary Love and Good Will
Private Life
Some Luck
A Thousand Acres
Alexis M. Smith
Ali Smith
The Accidental
Hotel World
There but for the
The Whole Story and Other Stories
Betty Smith
Joy in the Morning
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
Diane Smith
Letters from Yellowstone
Pictures from an Expedition
Dodie Smith
I Capture the Castle
Dominic Smith
The Mercury Visions of Louis Daguerre
The Beautiful Miscellaneous
Emma Smith
The Far Cry
Jeffery Smith
Where the Roots Reach for Water: A Personal and Natural History of Melancholia
Lee Smith
Black Mountain Breakdown
Cakewalk and Other Stories
The Christmas Letters
The Devil's Dream
Family Linen (twice)
Fancy Strut (twice)
The Last Day the Dogbushes Bloomed
Me and My Baby View the Eclipse
News of the Spirit
Saving Grace
Tom Rob Smith
Child 44
Stevie Smith
Novel on Yellow Paper
Zadie Smith
On Beauty
Katharine Smyth
All the Lives We Ever Lived: Seeking Solace in Virginia Woolf
Timothy Snyder
On Tyranny
The Road to Unfreedom: Russia, Europe, America
Dava Sobel
Susan Sontag
In America
Oedipus Rex (twice)
Ahdaf Soueif
The Map of Love
Muriel Spark
The Abbess of Crewe
The Comforters
Doctors of Philosophy
The Driver's Seat
The Finishing School
Memento Mori
The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie (twice)
Reality and Dreams
Elizabeth Spencer
Starting Over
John Shelby Spong
Rescuing the Bible from Fundamentalism
E. C. Spykman
A Lemon and a Star (multiple times)
The Wild Angel (multiple times)
Terrible, Horrible Edie (multiple times)
Edie on the Warpath (multiple times)
Jean Stafford
Collected Stories
The Mountain Lion
Kim Stafford
100 Tricks Every Boy Can Do: A Memoir
Nicole Stansbury
Places to Look For a Mother
Claude and Michele Stanush
All Honest Men
Domenico Starnone
Christina Stead
For Love Alone
The Little Hotel
The Man Who Loved Children
The People With the Dogs
Jon Kalman Stefansson
The Sorrow of Angels
Wallace Stegner
All the Little Live Things
Angle of Repose
The Big Rock Candy Mountain
Crossing to Safety
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